Saturday 14 August 2010

Going Well

Indeed, the new job is going brilliantly. So much to learn and great people to work with. It's great having a challenge and being able to rise to the occasion, with so many people willing to teach you and also to listen to what you have to say too.

My two poems "Android In The Sand" and "The Spider's Stance" were published by Kalkion earlier this week and it's great to see them in print. I've always wanted to be a fiction writer and never really thought about being a poet but, despite what some schools of thought are, these just seem to write themselves. So I guess that I am kinda lucky there. My train season ticket has now come through, which means that instead of spending over three hours a day driving a car back and forth to work (although I have to say that I really enjoy the journey through the countryside) I can now sit back and flash up my laptop and write! How cool is that? One of the areas that really appeals to me is screen writing and once things quieten down I intend looking to that field too. Well, one has to try!

Being out of touch with the other students one can't help but wonder how they are getting on. It's so good getting their input on your own work, to be able to critique theirs in turn and then to discuss the points that you have raised. I'm very lucky, as the guys on the course are not only great people but to be honest man some of them seem to be gifted writers (I'm jealous!) and I know that I will be seeing their names on book shelves in the not too distant future. I have to say to anyone who wants to seriously be a writer to consider doing this MA. Now to more writing!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on getting your poems in print - well deserved. Will you be putting them on your website?
