Saturday 21 July 2012

Those Distant Shores Have Finally Arrived

My short story collection Distant Shores is now available for sale on Smashwords. With twenty two Scifi, Fantasy and horror tales from magical tattoos to a time when mankind has been decimated by aliens and the world is run by Androids. From where monsters haunt our skies, a little girl waits patiently for Santa one cold Christmas Eve to a world haunted by the ghosts of the slaughtered inhabitants. Some of these aren't for the faint hearted, so as the advert says 'read it with the light on'.

I'd like to acknowledge the BSFA Orbiters, those email based writing groups to which I belong. In particular to Terry Jackman and my good friend Geoff Nelder,without whose guidance and support this collection simply wouldn't exist. A mention here also to Jason Easter, Sarah Udoh and Frankie Valente - fellow writers from the University College Falmouth's MA course. A sincere thank you to you all.

Thursday 28 June 2012

App News

Several people have reported problems downloading the App. Having looked into this the publisher realised that, as it has been published using the latest software, users need to ensure they have the latest upgrades on their devices. Basically if users don't download upgrades to their iPhones/iPads then they won't be able to view it. The other side of it is that this also counts for all other recent Apps being marketed. So, please upgrade your devices to enjoy this App and many others.

We're waiting to hear at this moment in time as to when the Android version will be ready, and then  need to make a trip up north to demonstrate the App and talk features.

More on this to follow!

Saturday 16 June 2012

Self Defence Made Easy

I'm delighted to say that the App 'Self Defence Made Easy' is now up for sale on 84 sites, including the Apple AppStore, iTunes and Currently it is only available for Apple products, such as iPads and iPhones, although the Android version will be released soon. The e-Book be out later on, as soon as we have finished work on the Android. This App has a large content and takes time to download, so please use wifi for a swifter service.

Once I hit a certain level of sales I will then start work on the second in this series, plus I've now been asked to write an App for a completely different market. This is starting to take off now and it goes to show how new fields of business are developing and, as a writer, you have to keep yourself up to date and find the new markets that are opening.

I've also started work on a new course, a Nationally Accredited Diploma Level 4 in Copywriting; to enhance my knowledge of this area. After all, you can never stop learning and I'm thoroughly enjoying it - in fact I'm halfway through it already!

This month my feature 'How China’s Arts Are Improving Taekwondo' was published in (July's) Martial Arts Illustrated, on a 4 page spread. It looks great and the editors have done me proud.

Saturday 7 April 2012

Looking Forward

Well, what a good week that was. I had four short stories accepted by Ether Books, 'Last Of The Elephants' and 'A Whole Bag Of Worms' as a free downloads, 'Faces In The Sky' and 'A Connoisseur Of The Bizarre' as paid downloads. Ether's Quick Reads is aimed at commuters with mobile phones and time on their hands. You can download the free software for their App here:, and then read a variety of works from new and established writers.

I was also delighted to hear that the 'Escape Velocity: The Anthology', which took my short story 'A Handful Of Stars' is now ranked as one of the best collections of Science Fiction for many years. This is currently downloadable free for kindle here:​Escape-Velocity-The-Anthology-e​book/dp/B004Z8L3SG/​ref=sr_1_4?s=digital-text&ie=UT​F8&qid=1333794000&sr=1-4.

Having finished my previous studies and seriously considering a career in writing I investigated my next step towards this. Copywriting caught my eye. A qualification would help anyone looking to work in this field, so I now find myself undertaking a Diploma Level 4 in Copywriting. I look forward to it greatly, after all you can never stop learning.

My second novel in 'The Darkening Stars' series, 'The Cull Of Lions', is progressing slowly. I was distracted momentarily by work on the App (now named 'Self Defence Made Easy'), the short stories and other such considerations. But now it's full steam ahead once again and I can't wait to write up the adventures bubbling up inside me.

Friday 30 March 2012

Little Steps

At last, we have decided on a title for the App. It had to be one that transposes over to future projects, so there was much discussion about the matter. With it being published  in 2 weeks time we finally decided on 'Self Defence Made Easy'. The publisher has done a marvellous job and we're extremely pleased with it. There are other projects in line, so fingers crossed that this one does well.

I also submitted 2 short stories yesterday to a new market, Ether Books, namely A Connoisseur Of The Bizarre and A Whole Bag Of Worms. As mentioned before, while I've been known to wander off the beaten track most of my work remains firmly entrenched in Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror. Connoisseur is the latter, a horror story - or ghost story, if you prefer - a genre I love. Maybe it was the years spent reading Stephen King, Brian Lumley, James Herbert, or even the countless editions of the Pan Book of Horror that I used to relish so many years ago - who knows. The odd thing is I rarely know what's going to appear when I sit down to write, the words just flow and then I have a story. Worms was like that, a Science Fiction story of domestic abuse and racism. One that made me raise my own eyebrows and ask, 'Did I really write that?'

To my delight, however, Ether Books loved them both and are going to publish them on their social publishing platform. This is aimed at people who use mobile phones, iPads and so forth. An ideal platform for someone like myself who is so interested in the digital media. The publishing date is set for around 2 weeks, so more to follow on the subject then.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Digital Markets For The New Writer

Has the promise of the e-book lived up to our expectations, and is there a gap in the digital market for new writers? I interviewed Dan Witters to find out.

Do you think the advent of the e-book has fulfilled our initial hopes?
I think that we’re all a bit disappointed, because what we thought was going be a new market has fallen victim to a similar set of rules that the traditional publishing market had imposed upon it. The key to print or digital copy is: how do we draw people’s attention to this book? We thought the stumbling block would remain with the traditional publishing industry, as they carry such high costs. It’s understandable that they can be choosey, because first they have to do a print run and then store it; you have to get it out to the shops, the costs of returns and so forth. We thought the digital market would remove all that because the cost of getting work up digitally is fairly low. But the point of constriction has shifted from the publishers to the bookshop equivalent, which is the digital platform on which the work gets sold. So while it’s relatively inexpensive to convert a novel, or other writing, into digital format it’s very expensive to maintain the platform on which it’s sold, and certainly not everyone can do that.

My experience has been that the people doing this aren’t interested in taking too many risks and there doesn’t seem to be a maverick element out there saying ‘I’ll take a chance on this’. You always have the small or niche publishers, particularly with things like poetry, who might say ‘look we’ll take a chance on this and put out 200 copies just to see where it goes’ and I’m struggling to find the digital equivalent of this.

I’m trying to build within one or more of the major platforms for selling e-books as an area for new authors and trying to find ways in which I can build on that. The cost isn’t great, but the art is going to be to convince the people within those platforms to support it. It may be that I can overcome this first hurdle quite easily and get a range of new authors up there; but the second hurdle, and no-one has the answer to this at the moment, is how does one get that work known? If we market it as a group, trying to get it known that we have this particular site with new authors on, then that may work; rather than trying to market individual books. It would still only be scratching the surface of the market of new writers and it isn’t a terribly satisfactory answer to the many individual writers asking who are all asking, ‘How can I get my book out there for sale?’

Another impediment is that to sell your book online you generally need a credit card payment, or some sort of financial transaction, which is controlled. So you then have to bring in the banking systems and regulations of who’s authorised and who’s trusted to manage these transactions; who has the right firewalls to prevent people from hacking in to get the credit card details, so that the new writer can quickly get their book converted into digital format and on the market. So in a sense you can question whether we’ve moved forward much at all.

Are there any big names that are actively supporting you in this endeavour?
Not that I can disclose at the moment, but we are in negotiation with two of what will be the larger ones who are going to be independent of the Google and Amazon types and I think that we can parley a way into having an area of their sites that could be dedicated to new writers. I’m very keen to do that, but what I can’t guarantee is that I will be allowed great volumes of writers, so in effect I’ll just be scratching the surface.

I also can’t get a guarantee that I will be able to achieve comprehensive marketing of these that will translate into big sales figures. Now, the very effect of having an e-book up there is that it may allow the author to do their own marketing, the basic thing of friends and family who will buy copies from a viable and recognised site. All of those things are worthwhile goals but I doubt whether this will translate into sufficient sales, which will allow someone to make a living out from it.

What advice would you offer to such authors at this exact moment in time?
The first and most important piece of advice is to get someone to edit your work. The most difficult thing to explain to a new, and enthusiastic, author is that no matter how good you are you still need editing. I quite often read well established authors with a very wide sales circulation and you can see that they have taken the trouble early on in their careers to be heavily edited; but then you also see someone who has ten or so novels published and when you read one you think, hmm someone should have edited this.

At each stage of everyone’s writing there’s a need for editing. That’s a very hard thing to convey to a writer, who often feels that you’re interfering with their creative process and just don’t understand where they’re coming from. It’s absolutely essential. No one can sit down and write their novel, or collection of short stories, as it should be. Everyone needs to be edited and I really can’t stipulate that enough.

The second thing is that you’ve got to find something that keeps you apart from other writing styles or subject matter; something that makes you stand out from the crowd. There’s a vast amount of new writing out there simply knocking on the door of publishers trying to get their attention, and I mean extremely good writing.

I recently read the six finalists in a writing competition that was held in a very out of the way place. There were three hundred or so entries and all six of the finalists, who were of a very high quality, deserved to be published. Had they written that work thirty or forty years ago they would have been published instantly. The person who won the prize did get published but the others were sadly thrown back to their own resources.

This just goes to show that writing is a highly competitive field and there’s a vast amount of good work out there. As a writer you’ve got to persevere and keep going, no matter what. Often you put an enormous amount of work into a book and it’s knocked back, which results in your feeling quite deflated. You’ve got to put that aside and write a second and better book, then a third which is better still. A writer needs tremendous determination and I feel that this is where good editing comes in. You get the corrections you need from a good editor but you also get encouragement. Someone who’s pointing out the good aspects of your work that needs to be developed but also indicating the aspects of your writing that are defective. There’s a comment by Samuel Johnson to the effect that, ‘if you go back through your writing and find something that you particularly like strike it out’. That’s typical Johnson and is an overstatement, but there’s a real danger that you can get attached to your own writing and lose the detachment you really need. It’s very important to be objective and detached.
If you’ve gone through creative writing courses you’ll find that there’s usually an aspect where they’ll discuss this, perhaps with former tutors and other people who write. Usually, if we search around, we’ll find someone who will give us an objective overview of our writing. Marry that up with the sheer determination to be a writer and just keep going. Arm yourself with the countless stories of writers who’ve had thirty or forty pieces of writing rejected before they got published. But here your concern is what the digital world is going to do for the new writer and I wish I had a more uplifting message. I do think that the digital world is going to get better as time goes on, easier than the old print world but there are still major blocks to get past.

Are there any specific fields or genres that are doing particularly well in the e-book industry, compared to others?
I think that novels are still predominating and I feel that writers should give serious consideration to short story collections. These are starting to be taken up by the e-book format, and this goes for poetry too. This may give you more options. A novel takes so much commitment; you’re taking yourself out of the market for six to eighteen months and that’s a long time.

If you’re going to hone your skills as a writer and try and to get some results there is some advantage, whether you are a short story writer or not, to writing a few short stories. This way you can test the market by targeting specific magazines; you’re not spending eighteen months working on a novel which isn’t going to get anywhere. A friend of mine has just finished a novel that’s taken ten years to complete. That’s a large slice of your life and then it can be a real knock back when you find that you can’t get it published. Quite often you can learn the same lesson writing a couple of short stories and hitting the publishing market with those. So, it’s a good thing to start with a modest ambition and write two or three very good short stories. It’s a writer thing to say that you write novels and short stories aren’t what you do, but anyone who can write good novels will be able to write short stories.
I think it’s a very good discipline to work and develop ideas for shorts. There are more markets for those, and I think someone with short stories published will certainly stand a better chance of getting a novel published; and there’s nothing to stop you from doing the two things simultaneously. You can certainly be writing a novel and getting the short stories out at the same time. You’ll find that it’s an easier entry point into publishing and in particular the digital publishing world.

Can you imagine a time when companies such as Kiwa Media would look at taking royalties from a book, rather than charging a writer up front, considering the relative potential income as opposed to the writer’s relatively small initial outlay?
Without question. We previously discussed the example of Harry Potter and Bloomsbury, which shows that there are niche markets out there such as science fiction and children’s fantasy writing. There are areas where there’s enormous potential. In particular the children’s market is enormous. I think that people in my position are going to be very interested in someone who has an original and potentially extremely successful idea. Even if what they have done with the writing so far isn’t sufficient I, personally, would be prepared to work with someone like that and see if you can improve the writing and make it better.

We prefer to work with someone who takes corrections onboard and is open to suggestions. So, in answer to your question, yes absolutely; because the cost of putting work up digitally is so low it would be well worth us saying, ‘look, there’s a cost but we’ll share the sales’. But this is not something that you would do until you’re satisfied that the work has potential and then we’re back to stage one aren’t we, knocking on publishers doors. No doubt I will be saying the same judgemental things that the traditional publisher did, but it’s something I’m very interested in. I would sound a warning note that I would be very selective too.

Kiwa Media’s focus has previously been on the children’s, or young adult, market and the public sector, such as schools. Are you now starting looking at publishing novels and short story collections yourselves?
There’s a group that I’m working with called the Firsty Group, who are looking to move into a leading position with regard to e-books. They are certainly much more receptive than anyone else that I have dealt with and I’m going to continue working with them. I feel that they are going to be a big player in the market and I’m going to try and develop an area there for new writers. Firsty Group is a digital publisher in the wider sense, while Kiwa is more of an app producer. Our role in the world is to go to publishing houses and convert their titles into apps. Firsty Group are a company that really interest me and who I feel are going to do extremely well. They’re expanding rapidly and they seem to know where digital books are going. It’s companies such as these that the new writer needs to be researching.


You cannot imagine my delight yesterday when I learnt that not only had I passed my MA, but I did so with a distinction! To say that I'm over the moon about it is an understatement, and I owe my deepest and heartfelt thanks to the tutors at University College Falmouth - in particular Susannah Marriott, Helen Shipman and Andrew Wille. I was also pleased to hear that so many of my close collegues had also passed.

Following close upon the heels of 'The Man Who Wasn't There' is another short story, 'A Whole Bag Of Worms' - one I'm very excited about. It has more levels than a multi-story car park and there is still so much to do with it, despite the limited wordage.

I saw a very interesting post of KarinCox's blog this morning, entitled The Writer’s Toolbox: Some Literary Devices to Enhance Your Work. For those who haven't read it, do. It's interesting and useful; one of those pieces that you read and reread, to ensure you've drummed it all home. You can find this here:

It's fascinating to realise just how much there is to learn about the fine art of writing, and how few steps I've taken along this long and winding path.