My short story collection Distant Shores is now available for sale on Smashwords. With twenty two Scifi, Fantasy and horror tales from magical tattoos to a time when mankind has been decimated by
aliens and the world is run by Androids. From where monsters haunt our skies, a
little girl waits patiently for Santa one cold Christmas Eve to a world haunted
by the ghosts of the slaughtered inhabitants. Some of these aren't for the faint hearted, so as the advert says 'read it with the light on'.
I'd like to acknowledge the BSFA Orbiters, those email based writing groups to which I belong. In particular to Terry Jackman and my good friend Geoff Nelder,without whose guidance and support this collection simply wouldn't exist. A mention here also to Jason Easter, Sarah Udoh and Frankie Valente - fellow writers from the University College Falmouth's MA course. A sincere thank you to you all.