I haven't posted for a while, simply because so much has been going on. Changes in my private life have left a void and so I have thrown myself into my SF novel A Pride Of Lions, yesterday finishing the 2nd rewrite. I've found myself writing constantly, sometimes from 10:00 until 01:30 and, as I said on Twitter, it's frustrating when you make a cup of tea, look at your novel, then take a sip only to find it's gone cold. This happened five times the other day. So the plan now is heavy editing, fire up the coffee percolator to combat the peculiar happenings with the Earl grey, and then to submit my work for crits while looking for an agent/publisher. I estimate that the word count at about 60,000, which is about right.
Although I've almost finished my short story collection Distant Shores, and I'm keen to publish it, I've decided to hang fire for a while, to see how the novel goes before making any decisions about how and where to market it.
The MA finishes in February, and I have one more submission to make (comprising of two edits of the same work). Then it's re-edit the complete 7,500 MA Project and submit it along with a contextual essay for marking; then all will be done and dusted, and it will just be a question of waiting.
There's also the fact that I may be moving soon too, further north, to Boston in Peterborough. It's nice there and very quiet, no such animal as a traffic jam. So, things have been extremely hectic, as I go through my cupboards and the loft to vet what I have to take with me. It's amazing what you accumulate over the years.