After Monk Punk appeared for sale on with my short story in it "Understanding Lee" I decided to peruse the virtual shelves and much to my delight discovered my book "Kwak's Competition Taekwondo" there. Sadly these are second user copies, for sale at the staggering price of £25! If the price had been set at that originally I would have been a very happy man. To top it all the Escape Velocity Anthology came out this week and that's also for sale on Amazon. Bearing in mind a writer's need for social media in this day and age I took the bull with both horns and created an authors page there.
The research portfolio for the MA is due in this week. It's the final one before the MA project itself starts. Much to my surprise I've managed to pass it all so far (see, there is a God!). Once this portfolio is sent off I will no doubt be chewing my lip until the results arrive.
I also managed to interview Logan Hood, the personal trainer of Jason Stratham last week. I was asked to interview him and centre the piece around June's DVD release of The Mechanic. One bonus here is that I get to see the film first and what a cracker it is too, I loved every minute of it. Logan, an ex-navy seal, turned out to be a really nice guy and I have to say that it was an absolute pleasure to speak to him. The feature's written now and has been mailed off to the editor, along with 3 other pieces. Since then I've had two other films arrive in the post to watch and then interview for, which I look forward to doing sometime this coming week.